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MEC Shortcode Designer (Featured Image)
Using the MEC Shortcode Designer I can see all of the events in the proper order; however, the featured image from the first event in the listing gets repeated to every event.
MEC Shortcode Designer (Custom IMage from JEtEngine)
This example showcases events using the MEC Shortcode Designer with a twist. Everything is the same from above, except in this one I used Jet Engine to introduce a new Meta Field in the MEC Events called “Background Image”.
It clearly doesn’t work as the custom image is not being picked up for any of the events.
Jet Engine (using MEC Events)
This example shows Jet Engine’s own Listing Grid. I was able to pick up the MEC custom post type and list it via Jet Engine. It picks up the background image; however, the events are not in the proper order. Epsecially events that are recurring. They only show one instance of that event. Plus I am not able to pick up the dates on the event listing (Jul 21, 2022 from 8:30pm – 11:00pm) as an example.